NEET Preparation Books


We are working towards greatest hurdle in clearing NEET, JEE and Medical Exams by bringing amazing BOOKS that will help you memorize and revise topics in fractions of time.

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Parth Goyal has worked day and night to truly modernize the way books should be written in today’s time, by focusing more on relevancy of the content rather than bulkiness! His books are famous for superfast revision. You will be revising each and every chapter of Bio and Chem in just 15-20 min or even less!   

Our Results

My Journey

of Publishing HackBooks

During my preparation of NEET & JEE, I struggled hard at remembering things. I always used to forget things which I have learned so well. To overcome this problem, I tried many things, but no one was successful. However one day I stumbled across an idea which which made me so successful in academics that I cleared both NEET & JEE with amazing ranks!

As I gone through same pain, you are facing, I thought to help you.

I worked hard day and night to bring these pieces of gem. Despite many obstacles, it was only because ardent desire of my followers and their cooperation, I was able to complete these books.

Books Published
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Best Selling Books

Best selling books

BioHack @ 1199/- only

ChemHack @ 1199/- only


BioHack Colored @ 1999/- only

B&W Combo @ 2299/- only

Color Combo @ 3799/- only


Chemhack Colored @ 1999/- only

“If someone else has done it, then you can do it too, it is that simple.”

Parth Goyal
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18 Apr



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